Sunday, June 24th, 2012
Sunday came and went like a whirlwind. After weeks and weeks of preparation, with our students arriving from quite literally all over the world, we could not have been more excited and/or ready to welcome them with arms wide open to their beautiful new home: Boston, Massachusetts.
As they settled in one by one and two by two to their gorgeous, air conditioned, college suites; staff welcomed them and made sure that they became acclimated to their new Emerson College surroundings. Each student was equipped with their Emerson ID, key(s), and Abbey Road Student Manual: a guide to everything they needed to know about the next two weeks we'd planned.
After everyone was settled we brought the students to the Common Room: a cozy meeting place where we've held most of our quick catch-ups and group meetings. Once everyone had arrived we began our Abbey Road New Student Orientation. After our wonderful Dean of Students, Ellen Spindel, welcomed the students and laid the ground rules for the program, explaining to them our number one priority (their safety), I took the floor to talk to them a little bit about mine and my staff's mission over the next two weeks.
As I discussed in the e-mail I sent all of you, I come from a strong background of leadership experience that I feel afforded me much personal growth in my life. As such, Abbey Road envisions a place where students are safe, challenged academically, and pushed and prodded to explore themselves through exciting experiences that open up their hearts, minds and creative prowess. After sharing this message with the students my staff and I assured them that Abbey Road was a safe space for them to be just exactly who they are. Judgments should be kicked to the curb upon arrival; being true to oneself is the best way to succeed, and that's exactly what we want to see our students do.
After a run down of a typical day, we took the students on their first excursion to Boston's enchanting North End. The North End is Boston's thriving Italian neighborhood filled with incredible bakeries, coffee shops, gelaterie, and of course...restaurants! What better place to have our Orientation Dinner then, than at Massimino's Italian Eatery. The students laughed and smiled with awe as they slurped their spaghetti, tasted the fresh prosciutto, and inhaled the wonderful Italian aroma that is: garlic, basil, and oregano
frammischiato (mixed).
With a promise to bring them back when they would have more free time to relax and explore the neighborhood, the students and staff headed back to Emerson for a good night's sleep before their first full day of classes.
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Monday, June 25th, 2012
The day began as usual with a hearty breakfast in Emerson College's delicious Dining Hall, located a quick walk down the street in The Little Building. After breakfast we accompanied students up the street to the Walker Building where they would meet their SAT Prep Instructor, Matt for the first time for their Diagnostic Exam.
After the exam was over the students were ready to refuel before their elective class in the afternoon. Back at the Dining Hall, something smelt wonderful as lunch hit the marble and granite countertops of the serving stations. The students seemed to really be bonding and engaging each other in all sorts of conversations. What's your favorite baseball team? Who's your favorite member of One Direction? It was certainly a site to see and something to smile about.
When lunch was through the students headed over to their afternoon elective led by Danae Samson and Freddy deBoer. The elective is really a wonderful opportunity for the students to debunk the scary myths of the college admissions process and learn every trick, tip and skill they need to succeed and
best this seemingly scary process.
When electives and dinner were complete, the students were asked to gather in the Common Room. Although they continually asked why, we simply told them, "Shhhh! It's a surprise!" Little did they know, a fellow student, Olivia James was celebrating her 16th birthday that very day, and thanks to her wonderful mother, all of the students had a delicious chocolate and custard cake waiting for them to surprise her. We sang and laughed and enjoyed yummy cake as Olivia turned 16, creating a moment she was sure to not forget.
After the birthday celebration, we gathered in the beautiful Boston Commons for an incredible historic walking tour of Boston, called, the Freedom Trail. Met by a man in colonial garb who appeared to have just arrived from 1776 himself, we were schooled on everything from the construction of the original Capitol Building, to the true story of Paul Revere's midnight ride.
As we ended at Faneuil Hall the students headed off to Quincy Market to shop, snack, and enjoy their first night in the beautiful city of Boston. I am ecstatic to report that all students were in their rooms by 11:30 PM curfew, a truly excellent start to the session.